
How to submit a book proposal

Pinter & Martin publish around 5 books a year and we get many submissions, so frankly the odds are against you, and you're likely to get a (hopefully mercifully quick) no. The worst part of our job is turning down perfectly good books. 

Our specialist areas are psychology, pregnancy, birth & parenting, and yoga. Please do not send us proposals which are miles removed from our list (please check our website for what we publish before you get in touch), but we do occasionally publish the unexpected. If you don't regard babies or children as human beings with human rights, or if you in any way endorse violence against children (physical or emotional), please don't submit your proposal to us.

We are committed to publishing a diverse list that reflects the pregnancy, birth and early parenting experiences of families from a wide range of backgrounds. As such we are currently actively encouraging BAME authors to contact us with proposals for books on these topics.

If you decide that Pinter & Martin could be a suitable publisher for your book, please email

  • the whole book (preferred), or an outline with a few sample chapters
  • your credentials
  • your intended target audience

to You will get an acknowledgement of your submission.

Please note that we only consider proposals from a writer/illustrator team for illustrated children's books. We prefer not to receive submissions by post and are unable to discuss a submission on the phone before receiving it via email.

You are welcome to submit your book proposal to other publishers or agents at the same time as sending it to us, but please let us know if you are successful in placing it elsewhere.

It will take a while for us to get back to you, but please feel free to email if you haven't heard from us within four weeks. We are very sorry if you don't hear from us in good time – we are a small company and often go through incredibly busy periods.

Unfortunately we are unable to refer you to other publishers if we pass on your project, and are in most cases unable to let you know in detail our reasons for passing on something.

Good luck!