Who is Montag & Martin?

Montag & Martin (formerly Pinter & Martin) is an independent publishing company based in the UK. Most of our books are distributed worldwide. Montag & Martin was founded on May 9th, 1997 by the writer and film-maker Martin Wagner.

More information about Montag & Martin is here.

What does Montag & Martin publish?

We specialise in books by authors who dare to think differently and challenge the status quo. Our main interests are pregnancy, birth & parenting, psychology, health & nutrition and yoga.

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One of my favourite books is out of print, can I tell you about it?

Please do! If you know of any books that are out of print and you feel deserve to be republished please drop us a line using our contact page. We found two of our books this way.

Will you publish my book?

See the submissions page.

How do I contact your authors?

Send us an email or letter and we will try and forward it to the author. It may take considerable time to get any response, if appropriate. Some of our authors don't do email.

Do you offer any large quantity discounts?

Yes. Please contact us.

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